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Birth in a Day

This class is FIVE hours of instruction!

You'll learn about:

Your birth plan

Expectations vs. Reality

How the uterus and cervix work in labor

Stages of Labor

Positions for pushing

Birthing the placenta

Hands on Comfort techniques for labor

Cesarean birth

Promoting labor and inductions

Newborn procedures

And more!

(Image of a model pelvis and an artificial plant on top of a teal counter top with a beige background)

Not to mention the added benefit of a Course Journal you get to take home with you, added support via facebook group with me and the other people in you class!

(Image of the blue and white Preparing for Birth coursebook with a lined notebook behind it and a pen sitting beside the spiral spine of the notebook.)

Don't forget! You can also add on a private newborn care class and a prenatal lactation class!

To register, complete the contact form! I'd love to hear from you.

Class Is March 10th at 10am at the Holland Civic Center.

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